Monday, August 24, 2009

what do 'we' do if and when [and i do believe now it is now only a matter of time] 'they' shut down the internet, cell-phones, and digital tv?????????

in respnose to 'I hear you loud and clear'; 9/12 communique

'I hear you loud and clear. This is what has been on my mind for months now. Can we stop it with out the be prepared to fight? I'm not sure anymore.
Lord help us.'

'one state [or a group of states] need to start taking steps to succeed from the union TODAY. before it is too late. and we the people need to block all the streets in and out of DC in a peaceful sit in until Washington changes or they try to physically remove us. 'they' want 'us' to make the first aggressive move, 'we' must stay disciplined and force 'them' to start the....chaos/conflict/battle!'

some hope?!?!? [for MY small, insignificant problem/cause?!?!?]

'Please contact ^#^#^#^^&&&: @8888888888.

Best Regards,

NRA-ILA Grassroots Division' Mon, Aug 24, 2009

'thank you very much. will call for any available assistance. ian harrison.'

my nightmare 'today', [and tommorow, who knows]; and i know now i am [now] not alone.

my nightmare 'today', and i know [now] i am not alone. [#1]i make partial payments on my mortgage because i don't have all the money at once. so what do they do. somewhere in their system when i make a partial payment 'their system' says i made a 'full' mortgage payment. so i call up CHASE and yes initially the operator says you are late on your mortgage. then he says wait a minute, for some reason the 'system ' took the 2nd partial payment and applied it to the principal. [#2] i have my natural gas turned off so that i do not have any gas coming in right now. i receive my bill today. there is a charge for delivery. now these monsters have been estimating my gas for a while now [assuming so that they can still charge me a little while the dollar is actually still worth something.] so i check to se if they estimated a small amount of delivered gas. the meter reading for last month and this month are the same. so i am like what is going on. on my bill it has a delivery charge even though no gas has actually been delivered. so i look closer at my bill. a new 'fee' has been approved by the nj BPU [board of public utilities][it is not listed as a few; but as a delivery charge] . the new fee is for combating GLOBAL WARMING AND TO ASSIST OTHER PEOPLE WHO CANNOT TO PAY THEIR UTILITY BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!! [#3]; i have a second car. i want to get rid of it because i can't afford it any more. both of my cars are payed for. the car runs like a champ and i believe in a normal market would be worth something. now i am wondering w/the cash for clunkers program, has the 'the government' destroyed the used car market?!?!? because my trusted mechanic is telling me it is worthless as of right now. and this is today!!!!!! WHAT IS COMING TOMORROW!!!! ian [perhaps prior middle class]; now just above where i can not get assistance for myself ; and paying for OTHER people to help them get buy cars, housing, and bailing out banks, etc. etc.

posted on 9/12 commnique today.

'your are right. even a month ago this country, The United States of America, WAS a different country!!!! very very soon it will be too late. if we do not act NOW we get what we deserve!!!!!!!!!!' response to a post that said basically ' i paid off my mortgage along time ago in what seemed to be a different country [than the one i know now.]