Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ted Nugent for president!!!!

to save this country and The US Constitution, Ted Nugent MUST be our next 'Commander in Chief.' [OR at least a governor for a state in which he could succeed from the Union if the Federal gov. does not start following the guidelines put forth in The Constitution!!!!]

other 'sayings' i like;

'lead by example;' 'actions speak louder that words;' 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me;' 'put your money where your mouth is;'

what the &%!??!?!?!?

they transferred my case from municipal to superior
court. i haven't plead yet. wish me luck. there was another guy who is going to superior
also for carrying a 'replica' pistol [it was not even real!!!].

posted on 9/12 project recently. received alot of responses from people who agree. [scary stuff!!.]

....You [and many others] [and me somewhat too], may believe that nothing really bad could ever happen in this country or to it, such as government run reeducation camps, total government control of everything or even government sponsored mass killings. ...Do not fall into this trap!!! Think about it; At the start of World War II, do you really think there was anyone in Japan that could believe that two of their largest cities would very very soon be laid waste in a NUCLEAR FIRESTORM???? NO! And do you think any average citizen in Nazis Germany really thought that by backing a government [or doing nothing to stop it] that at times simply called for "national unity and pride" in their "own" country would eventually either have to stand by and watch or even become a participant in one of the MOST DESTRUCTIVE SERIES OF ACTIONS a country has ever taken in the history of mankind?? Again, NO! Wake up Now!!! Because very soon it may be too late!!! All you have to do to come to this conclusion YOURSELF is to study the very very short[!!!] history of MANKIND.....

...the time has come?!?!?!?

i bought my bb pistol in PA. i cannot believe i can't carry it in NJ [any way i please!!]. in NJ, you need a 'firearms' permit to carry a bb pistol. i bought it because i had an incident where the police did not respond to my call for help and was left alone to protect my girlfriend and her mom. and now for my trial they are sending me to TRENTON!! for any of you who know NJ, even if you carried a automatic rifle 'open' in trenton, you still might not be safe. the time has come. no more writing or e-mailing your reps. stand up for your rights at your door, in court [or anyplace else.] because if you do not, those rights that you 'think' you have TODAY, will soon be a thing of the past. ian harrison.