Thursday, August 27, 2009 history DESTINED to repeat itself?

i was up all night talking to a new friend about if history is DESTINED to repeat itself. with her help i have come to this conclusion; even though something MAY HAVE repeated over and over for trillions of years, we still have a chance to change it at certain moments in time. now this changing of history could occur tomorrow or in another trillion years. BUT, that does not mean we can't try LIKE HELL this time!!!! ian. KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT! my favorite quote; "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." ....Edmund Burke.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

i am sick to my stomach...

i am going to throw up. the lies coming out of his mouth. obama IS a puppet [is there any doubt now.]. he stuttered when he tried to say 'democracy'; bernanke, also a puppet. [bernanke reaffirmation conference.]

Monday, August 24, 2009

what do 'we' do if and when [and i do believe now it is now only a matter of time] 'they' shut down the internet, cell-phones, and digital tv?????????

in respnose to 'I hear you loud and clear'; 9/12 communique

'I hear you loud and clear. This is what has been on my mind for months now. Can we stop it with out the be prepared to fight? I'm not sure anymore.
Lord help us.'

'one state [or a group of states] need to start taking steps to succeed from the union TODAY. before it is too late. and we the people need to block all the streets in and out of DC in a peaceful sit in until Washington changes or they try to physically remove us. 'they' want 'us' to make the first aggressive move, 'we' must stay disciplined and force 'them' to start the....chaos/conflict/battle!'

some hope?!?!? [for MY small, insignificant problem/cause?!?!?]

'Please contact ^#^#^#^^&&&: @8888888888.

Best Regards,

NRA-ILA Grassroots Division' Mon, Aug 24, 2009

'thank you very much. will call for any available assistance. ian harrison.'

my nightmare 'today', [and tommorow, who knows]; and i know now i am [now] not alone.

my nightmare 'today', and i know [now] i am not alone. [#1]i make partial payments on my mortgage because i don't have all the money at once. so what do they do. somewhere in their system when i make a partial payment 'their system' says i made a 'full' mortgage payment. so i call up CHASE and yes initially the operator says you are late on your mortgage. then he says wait a minute, for some reason the 'system ' took the 2nd partial payment and applied it to the principal. [#2] i have my natural gas turned off so that i do not have any gas coming in right now. i receive my bill today. there is a charge for delivery. now these monsters have been estimating my gas for a while now [assuming so that they can still charge me a little while the dollar is actually still worth something.] so i check to se if they estimated a small amount of delivered gas. the meter reading for last month and this month are the same. so i am like what is going on. on my bill it has a delivery charge even though no gas has actually been delivered. so i look closer at my bill. a new 'fee' has been approved by the nj BPU [board of public utilities][it is not listed as a few; but as a delivery charge] . the new fee is for combating GLOBAL WARMING AND TO ASSIST OTHER PEOPLE WHO CANNOT TO PAY THEIR UTILITY BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!! [#3]; i have a second car. i want to get rid of it because i can't afford it any more. both of my cars are payed for. the car runs like a champ and i believe in a normal market would be worth something. now i am wondering w/the cash for clunkers program, has the 'the government' destroyed the used car market?!?!? because my trusted mechanic is telling me it is worthless as of right now. and this is today!!!!!! WHAT IS COMING TOMORROW!!!! ian [perhaps prior middle class]; now just above where i can not get assistance for myself ; and paying for OTHER people to help them get buy cars, housing, and bailing out banks, etc. etc.

posted on 9/12 commnique today.

'your are right. even a month ago this country, The United States of America, WAS a different country!!!! very very soon it will be too late. if we do not act NOW we get what we deserve!!!!!!!!!!' response to a post that said basically ' i paid off my mortgage along time ago in what seemed to be a different country [than the one i know now.]

Friday, August 21, 2009

my DIRE prediction;

[i pray to god i am wrong, and i'm not even religious!!.] NEXT; another public figure gets mugged or beaten [IN THE SAME GENERAL AREA AS THIS MAYOR] [whether staged or not.] NEXT; THE MARKET TUMBLES!!!. nEXT!!! CURFEWS AND EXTRA HEAVY POLICE PRESENCE IN MILWAUKEE!!! and next, riots in milwakee, [next martial law] and then the internet [and cell phone] system MYSTERIOUSLY crashes. [not necessarily in that order.]!!!!! good luck everyone. ian harrison.


did anyone see the the conference with the mayor from a Milwaukee town??? he said he was beaten up. does anyone else besides me think this may have been staged in part [if not in whole]. this mayor goes to a county fair w/no security [in this ANGRY political climate?!?!?] there are 'babies' and 'kids' involved everywhere[ ahhhh]. he claims that he did not believe anyone at the fair knew he was a mayor?!?!?!? the mayor claims to have a broken hand but he seemed to be on no pain meds that i could tell. and if i was recounting an incident like this this that involved my FAMILY!, I WOULD HAVE PROBABLY SHED A TEAR OR TWO!!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

'The' Oath

"I, Ian K. Harrison, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." ...taken November 23, 1989, newark nj 'MEPS' [military entrance processing station.]

...from NRA/ILA

'We don’t handle BB Gun issues since they typically aren’t considered to be firearms. '; my response; 'the problem is that NJ considers them 'firearms.' i guess i need to move to PA.' and also told them i am a current NRA member.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

could use NRA assistance.

still no response. they are probably rather busy. 'dear ms/mrs xxxx, MR xxxx. is no longer @this phone contact. [apparently no longer w/the firm.]. any other assistance is greatly appreciated. thanx, ian harrison.' original message from NRA-ILA; 'Thank you for contacting NRA-ILA. Please contact our recommended attorney:
xxxx xxxxx xxxx.'

...just became an official NRA member [and i don't even own any firearms!!! [as far as i am concerned]; but i do live in nj, enough said]].

i am hesitant though to display my NRA stickers and hat in nj?!?!?!!? but hell, in PA i practically put the NRA sticker on my forehead!!!!!! [speaking figurative, of course]. seriously considering moving to Pennsylvania; or should i "stand my ground" here in nj?!?!?!? i am leaning towards the latter; i WILL have to sacrifice though [especially financially!!!].

Monday, August 10, 2009

not much happened today....

today only completed my 'info' history. haven't plead yet. it was kind of strange though. the woman who took my info was like not up to date on the new law. they [the legislature] must be pushing these new anti-freedoms through at night i guess [under the radar]?!?!? ...awaiting notification of date for PTI [pre-trial intervention[i think]]. also funny was that w/the unemployment i receive i do not qualify for a public defender [not that i really wanted one anyway]. so i have too much income to have a pub-defender; but i can't use that same income to refinance my mortgage?!?!!? ...very strange [can anyone say 'persecution of the middle class' [in my case, lower-middle]] .

Sunday, August 9, 2009


current [i am assuming they are changing all the time and under the radar!] nj law states; ""Firearm or firearms" means any handgun, rifle, shotgun, machine gun, assault firearm, automatic or semi-automatic rifle, or any gun, device or instrument in the nature of a weapon from which may be fired or ejected any solid projectile, ball, slug, pellet, missile or bullet, or any gas, vapor or other noxious thing, by means of a cartridge or shell or by the action of an explosive or the igniting of flammable or explosive substances. It shall also include, without limitation, any firearm which is in the nature of an air gun, spring gun or pistol or other weapon of a similar nature in which the propelling force is a spring, elastic band, carbon dioxide, compressed or other gas, or vapor, air or compressed air, or is ignited by compressed air, and ejecting a bullet or missile smaller than three-eighths of an inch in diameter, with sufficient force to injure a person." ......................WOW!!!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

waiting for NRA membership card in the mail???!?!?

jusy got an NRA hat. very smart [and good] looking hat.

Friday, August 7, 2009

i affectionately title this post by 'OldMarine', "don't piss off a Marine."

"No problem, frankly I feel we all are a little scared, there is nothing to be ashamed of, ask anyone who has been in combat. Also we all feel a little confusion, we are getting hit by so much, so fast and we see our great country being destroyed, and we may not be able to stop it, but we'll try. Some us can write emails, snail mails, others can call and organize. We all do what we can, but importantly we do have 912, a place to \\\"meet\\\" discuss and in general try to support each other. Remember, even during the beginning of our Independence, the founding fathers were a little scared and confused, just look at the history before the revolutionary war. Now if they were scared and confused and we are scared and confused, I feel we are in damn good company, don't you think? By the way, they did win!\" ...OldMarine of the 9/12 project. [used by permission.]

favorite quote!

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." ....Edmund Burke.

...superior court this monday?!! ? %^&!!!!

i'm to show @superior court monday in trenton. i contacted the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division [haven't got my membership info yet; just signed up]. they referred me to a lawyer but he is no longer @that phone contact. actually, i plan to represent myself. i believe the day that the majority of people began to believe you 'had' to have a lawyer in all legal proceedings was a step backwards for this country. now don't get me wrong; i would really really really like to have an NRA referred lawyer backing me up. but i WILL drive the 'horses'; he is going to have to ride 'shotgun.'

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ted Nugent for president!!!!

to save this country and The US Constitution, Ted Nugent MUST be our next 'Commander in Chief.' [OR at least a governor for a state in which he could succeed from the Union if the Federal gov. does not start following the guidelines put forth in The Constitution!!!!]

other 'sayings' i like;

'lead by example;' 'actions speak louder that words;' 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me;' 'put your money where your mouth is;'

what the &%!??!?!?!?

they transferred my case from municipal to superior
court. i haven't plead yet. wish me luck. there was another guy who is going to superior
also for carrying a 'replica' pistol [it was not even real!!!].

posted on 9/12 project recently. received alot of responses from people who agree. [scary stuff!!.]

....You [and many others] [and me somewhat too], may believe that nothing really bad could ever happen in this country or to it, such as government run reeducation camps, total government control of everything or even government sponsored mass killings. ...Do not fall into this trap!!! Think about it; At the start of World War II, do you really think there was anyone in Japan that could believe that two of their largest cities would very very soon be laid waste in a NUCLEAR FIRESTORM???? NO! And do you think any average citizen in Nazis Germany really thought that by backing a government [or doing nothing to stop it] that at times simply called for "national unity and pride" in their "own" country would eventually either have to stand by and watch or even become a participant in one of the MOST DESTRUCTIVE SERIES OF ACTIONS a country has ever taken in the history of mankind?? Again, NO! Wake up Now!!! Because very soon it may be too late!!! All you have to do to come to this conclusion YOURSELF is to study the very very short[!!!] history of MANKIND.....

...the time has come?!?!?!?

i bought my bb pistol in PA. i cannot believe i can't carry it in NJ [any way i please!!]. in NJ, you need a 'firearms' permit to carry a bb pistol. i bought it because i had an incident where the police did not respond to my call for help and was left alone to protect my girlfriend and her mom. and now for my trial they are sending me to TRENTON!! for any of you who know NJ, even if you carried a automatic rifle 'open' in trenton, you still might not be safe. the time has come. no more writing or e-mailing your reps. stand up for your rights at your door, in court [or anyplace else.] because if you do not, those rights that you 'think' you have TODAY, will soon be a thing of the past. ian harrison.